we all have been there. well most of us anyway. if you're a victim of a recent and heart-breaking break-up, you should consider these points. i am not Dr. Love or Love Guru but here's what i think might be good to consider.
1. it's always u. if not, they wouldn't break up, now would they? so don't listen to this age old crap of "it's not u..it's me. i am the one wrong here.. yada yada yada" from everyone who breaks up with you. tell them to cut the crap and come up with a better excuse!
2. it's their loss that they lost u. not the other way around. most prolly they'll realize what they have lost when someone gives them a dose of their own heart-breaking medicine.
3. never ask for a second chance. makes u look stupid in front of them. [some might say that you don't care about the relationship much. this is the point where u remind s/he who was breaking up with whom] if they wanted to give a second chance, they would tell so and wouldn't bring up the subject of breaking up.
4. do NOT call any of their friends right away [or at anytime] and BEG them to ask the guy/gal not to do this n that n blah n blah. it's not gonna have much effect on the person who broke up with you. [if it does, why the hell were u with a guy/gal who needs his friends to think good for him all the time in the first place?]
5. do not push yourself into another relationship within 24 hours [i recommend a week or two at least] after a break-up. it's possible that you might not be in your right mind to make such a important decision. which might create problems in future. getting under another doesn't really help u get over one all the time, u know?