
'appy like a 'ippo!!

went for a cycle ride last night.. what's so exciting about it? I DROVE IT! well it's the first time for me with a "L" board..
it was the most exciting night of my life so far! i felt like a lil kid who just got her favorite candy.. i was so proud of myself for completing the ride WITHOUT falling or bumping into another vehicle..and also partly coz my DAD was in the backseat! i bet he would have felt proud of his daughter last night.. [as if..haha]
anyway, i'm sooo appy..like a ippo!! looking forward to more of it. truly. *sigh*

5 backtalk[s]:

.mini said...

ive decided not to ride anything for other's safety
mini dhuvvanyaa onnaany kommes thanakah araafa abadhu!

hope you get your license soon ^.^
best of luck!

kaiza shozey said...

finally! this has been loooong overdue u know. :p

[ dhondhooni ] said...

@.mini thanks..though i'm not really thinking of getting the license just yet. that was just for fun. :]

@kaiza i know!! i am so glad i finally was able to do it.

The Shadowrunner said...

Did you scream "I'M DRIVING!" when you drove?. You should have. :D

[ dhondhooni ] said...

@shadowrunner i couldn't.. dad wouldn't let me!! lol