
What Am I Looking For?

for the first time in my life, i truly wanted to sleep last night. just sleep and never wake up. i was longing for peace. longing for silence. longing for contentedness. i kept feeling like something is missing in life. something that i really really want. something i need.

this thought kept me up for hours. but i still don't have the answers. what is it that i am looking for? if i don't know this, how can i try to look for it?

i thought that i could sleep it off. but alas, here i am, wide awake in the morning trying to still figure it out. what is my mind trying to tell me?

what am i looking for?

2 backtalk[s]:

amira said...

you are looking for peace of mind. it's a crazy world. specially for women. one moment we think we a right. the next, someone else tugs us along in another direction. and somehow we end up confusing what we really want - what really is right.
take a break :) i guess it helps

amira said...

I am passing along the Liebster Award to you for I believe you deserve it.
It was passed to me by a great blogger named Ari.

I have created a post for this award – Please reference the link for the rules.

Keep on blogging wonderful stuff :)