
Hit By The Reality

Been once faking the happy feelings them all,

Keeping the real of them just within the heart's wall.
Been living like a crazy fool,
Knitting emotions like it was wool.
Been living in a cute lil bubble,
Having never thought it'd be such a trouble.
Been living for others, for I was just too stupid,
Not having thought that the consequences would remain so vivid.
Been broken, shattered and beat,
I'm getting tired of this life and it's heat.
Been keeping it all bottled up, wondering if I should share,
Couldn't have been more shocked, I realized nobody really did care.
Been hit by the reality, finally..
Here I thank him for that, officially.

4 backtalk[s]:

.mini said...

the reality of life eh?
just have to get used to it i guess...

maeka said...

wow... awesome..its really touching. i neva knew u right such great poems. jux keep on writing more gal..mvaa.cheers

Anonymous said...

*tongue out* this is some poem!! :)

[ dhondhooni ] said...

@.mini yep..i guess so too :]

@maeka thanks :]

@piedee *toungue out* thanks