
My own blog.. =D

never thought i'd do this. but then again, we all do the unexpected and the unthought stuff all the time. having seen others do it, i thought i wouldn't wanna do this or more like, i can't. recently, i've started to hate this word so im just gonna give it a go. what's there to lose eh? so i just searched for dhondhooni.blogspot.com, found it unregistered so without actually thinking twice, i made this mine.
anyway, i'm here. pretty excited. welcoming myself n wishing me luck.
any advice, any words of wisdom are truly welcome.

3 backtalk[s]:

Anonymous said...


never thought i'd see the day

Anonymous said...

*slapzz my self*
n agrees with bulhaa...

maeka said...

happy to c ur blog... with oll nonsense.. :D its really interesting... do write more k... cheers