
Words of Gratitude

this post is dedicated to a certain someone. [note: "certain someone" could be anyone, mind you!]

i thank you with all my heart. for everything you have done for me. and for ruining it all for me as well. prolly you didn't do it on purpose. but what's done is done. i have no hard feelings for you. nope, none at all.

thank you!

4 backtalk[s]:

Anonymous said...

comment!!! =p

[ dhondhooni ] said...

@meee hmph *replies back to the "comment!!!" haha

kaiza shozey said...

yea. suuure. certain someone could be anyone dho. hehe.

[ dhondhooni ] said...

@kaiza yepp..it could be anyone. it could be you as well =P it doesnt have to be who u think it is.