there's this girl who sits next to me in office, Athee. we were talking random stuff the other day when out of nowhere she said this.. [i have obviously translated it to English according to my knowledge :P] "i wonder why Ibrahim Nasir fought so much as to freed ourselves from the Brits."
then when i gave it a thought, i thought the same too. why on earth would he want to give us freedom coz obviously this ain't what poeple call "freedom". i dont anyways. how can this be freedom when we keep dancing like others do? well yeah, we have some of our own stuff, but who remembers them anymore?
i know he wouldn't have wanted our country to be in the situation it is in today, when he fought so hard for the freedom. with the crime rate up high in the skies and the economy well below the ground, i hardly call ourselves free. as Athee said, wouldn't we have been more civilized and our country so much advanced in tech. stuff if we had stayed under the British Govt.? it's not like they were enslaving us or something, right? [or were they? as far as i know, they weren't].
also, if we were under them, Maumoon wouldn't obviously have all those oppportunities to do what he did..now would he?[lol] i wonder what made Nasir do it. i seriously do.
photo source: google :)
PS. i know i haven't updated in a loooong time now. what to do.. just haven't had the time and been in the mood.