there's this girl who sits next to me in office, Athee. we were talking random stuff the other day when out of nowhere she said this.. [i have obviously translated it to English according to my knowledge :P] "i wonder why Ibrahim Nasir fought so much as to freed ourselves from the Brits."
then when i gave it a thought, i thought the same too. why on earth would he want to give us freedom coz obviously this ain't what poeple call "freedom". i dont anyways. how can this be freedom when we keep dancing like others do? well yeah, we have some of our own stuff, but who remembers them anymore?
i know he wouldn't have wanted our country to be in the situation it is in today, when he fought so hard for the freedom. with the crime rate up high in the skies and the economy well below the ground, i hardly call ourselves free. as Athee said, wouldn't we have been more civilized and our country so much advanced in tech. stuff if we had stayed under the British Govt.? it's not like they were enslaving us or something, right? [or were they? as far as i know, they weren't].
also, if we were under them, Maumoon wouldn't obviously have all those oppportunities to do what he did..now would he?[lol] i wonder what made Nasir do it. i seriously do.
photo source: google :)
PS. i know i haven't updated in a loooong time now. what to do.. just haven't had the time and been in the mood.
23 backtalk[s]:
I don't think Nasir literary fought for freedom. It was rather that the agreement with the brits ended at that time, and they did not want to renew it. Brits were behind it, they wanted to go, and at the same time make the poor maldivians think that they have won 'independence'... it's kind of funny...
if we didnt get freedom , we would have been marginalised and treated as a minority after being incorporated into british overseas territories....
and you could imagine what happens to this type of island nations...
latest example is how an island nation "voted" to be a part of france...
now french law is going to be imposed upon them...n islamic laws are abolished even though the islands are muslims...
u should read about that too..
@tutu the citizens of those islands took a vote and the majority wanted to be part of France. It is a small muslim religous group who are against it
yea, we talked about this dho. im sure Maldives wouldve progressed better if that had happened. and as for those religious stuff, is it any better now?
i don't know..
@anon funny indeed.
@tutu i just don't see how we are any better than any of those lil islands. and i definitely don't see the "islamic" or "muslim" laws in here.
@penny *nod nod*
@kaiza yeah we talked about this. and that's what i've been trying to tell.. that we are NOT any better now. atleast if we were under the Brits, we might have been a bit more advanced in tech. stuff n all..
@mini hehehe i don't know either :P
Maldives has no immediate economic resources. The Imperial British or the other colonial super powers like the Dutch knew this very well and never wanted to settle in any way, and the Maldivians had no choice but to co-operate with them anyway. It was after the age of airborne warfare the British saw Maldives as a strategic base. But never the less France seceded the much future to the south larger in land chaos to British and the gan base became worthless.
It is a interesting topic. Why did the Indian majority wanted freedom but on the other hand the Sinhalese Sri lankans did not fight for freedom.
ive heard so many people say that soo many time. even i say that.we were never really treated badly, werent a colony or anything. no hard feelings against the british..unlike in the case of india. eyrun raajje adiyah dhiyaima gos vannaane thanehves onnaanethaa.
maybe he wanted people to thaureef kuraningz him for giving us "freedom" :P
or maybe he wanted to favaalaningz his signature in something molhu :P
aslu mihaaru independent country eh noon nama ulheyne kanneyge emmen ves independent vaan..
As I haven't seen that day, I can't say anything :S
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@moyameehaa so true! eyrun mi 350 akaa dheytherey visnaakah nujehunees thaa dho.. haha
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i think the biggest reason behind it was the "forming of a new govt. or state called "suvadive"
For that addu, huvadhoo and fuvamulah join together and later it changed to "huvadhoo bagaavaah" which lead Ibrahim nasir to toture lots of citizen out there.
At the time British was backuping the suvadive. So some how he managed to deal with them to end the british protection agreement.
And one more important this. We was under british Protection since Ahmed dhoshumeynaa (who is grand father of amin didi) who was ex King invited them. To invite them he started the thing called " bodu hulhu" which they burn almost every where in male and he wanted to show the british that the current govt. cant cotrol the pple and they want help. At that time He was the only person who can talk english and deal with outside.
So then British and Maldives sign the protection agreement for 100 years.
quite interesting topic rite..keke..ayway i think this is the reason behind..
wow.. now that i didn't know.. hehe.. i bet he must be secretly laughing his ass off because no one else knew what the hell he was talking when he talked with the English.. haha..
there are several reasons i think!
main reson must be about the ppl who were making the Suvadive Islands. Cox if he allow that then he cant stay in the presidency .
The next maybe he wanna do sumthing good for the ppl of maldives to get their praise! this is just the few things i have thought , i havnt thinked deeply :>
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