Saw this ad on cable tv. it's about a guy having a ringtone which features a singer chanting the word "condom" over 40 times! [i highly recommend you guys to see this ad, it's hilarious i tell u!]. apparently it's a way of "showing that you are a condom user and you don't have a problem with it".
don't worry. it won't be long before we have the ringtones to be used for a more diversified range of problems. such as:
- Wanting to break up with your boyfriend but not having the guts to do it yourself. Download the breakup ringtone on his phone so that when you call, his phone will say, “I’m just not that into you! Let’s see other people!”
- A first date that's not going too well. just prep your phone with the "bad date ringtone" and excuse yourself to the bathroom making sure you leave it on the table. then you can call your number from some other phone and tada!.. your date will hear your phone say, “This date isn’t going well! This date isn’t going well!” he’ll get the point so fast, i bet he’ll be gone by the time you come back!
11 backtalk[s]:
i think we already see that happening dho. with sms's. heheh. getting together, breaking up etc etc. but i sure would love to see the look on the guy's face when suddenly the phone starts ringing and the message is given through a ringtone. lol. heheh. that would be hilarious. not to mention the fact that everyone there would hear it as well. hehe
what if the guy takes your phone with him?? O.O
i'm just thinking.. :P
hehe yeah i saw the ad
i was laughing my head off
hehe.. great... enme avahah thikanthah kuraanan ingey.. lol..n e ways gud advise dhondhooni:P
Thats funny...
So its always advisable to take two phones when going for the first date dho! :P
@kaiza shozey yep..i'd love to see such a guy's face..!
@bulhaa you can always use a spare fone or summin..?
@ammadz that's all you can do anyways =P
@maeka glad to be of use.. haha
@lavendergirl yepp..you should definitely try it.. ;]
you did not reply to my comment! :P
@.mini sorry dear :] *replies to .mini's comment* happy? hehe
What if the guy who took the phone is dead?
@piedee what if YOU are dead?
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