i was just thinking. we all at some point of our lives have thought about this. some do it in time of depression whilst others do it for the excitement. some of it is harmless like "what if i could go back in time..?" while others tend to become more depressing by the minute like those related to relationship and failure stuff.. "what if this never happened?" "what if i never met that person?" and some even go to the extreme of "what if i am dead?" as well. these what ifs are truly endless.

[these are some what ifs i Googled n liked..you can click on the image if u wanna see it big]
does these what ifs do any good to anyone? well, here's what it think. yes, sometimes it really does help some of us. but only if we regard these questions to the future and not to the past. if it's regarding any past even, i believe that it's completely useless. i mean, what's the point of it? but if it's about the future, it think this lil what ifs could affect a lot of decisions you make. like you could think about stuff given different variations in the situations likely or possible to occur. this way, you could prepare yourself for any possible scenario.
thinking religiously, i don't really know where exactly this what ifs stand in our religion [Islam] but i have definitely heard that it is not advisable [in fact, someone specifically mentioned that it is haraam] for us Muslims to be referring to the past using what if scenarios. i repeat, i do not know how far this statement is right.
so feel free to enlighten me with anything regarding this "what if"..
so feel free to enlighten me with anything regarding this "what if"..
15 backtalk[s]:
i can find some one wholl agree its haraam, then again he believe he should sleep facing left because thats how prophet Mohamed used to sleep
what i think it means u shouldnt waste ur time thinkin about what could have been when u can think about what could be
btw i dont think the last what if counts cause it is encouraged in islam
heard it in some taqreer
what if, you don't think of 'what if' and live your life?
hehe... i think if we went back in time, we'll still end up making the same mistake again..
The best way is to LEARN from the mistake, and not repeat it - cuz opportunities always keep coming.. and make the best of 'em!
and btw.. nothing's haraam, unless you intend it to be.
wat if..... 'WAT IF' neva existed.......
i wonder how the world wud be...
like a robot i guess.....
n btw gud luk with ur wat if questionzzzz... :D
what if..
i don't know, i have been thinking of the same thing for quite some time
specially the going back to the past part
but no can do
so theres actually no point of thinking about these what ifs as yaamyn said
@freethink-mv well that's him believing in sunnah rite? i agree with not thinking about the past part.
@de irresistible what if you dont think of "what if" and live your life and you don't like that life?
@yaamyn *nod nod* except for the "nothing's haraam, unless you intend it to be" part.
@hmm.... hmm..i wonder too.. and i didn't have any specific what ifs in my mind while writing the post. that was just a random thought.
@.mini *nods again* but we can't help thinking what if, can we?
i dunno if its haraam, and we shud always take great caution before declaring somethin as haraam, eh?
but anyway, there was a time when my faith used to be a lot weaker than it is now, and i went through the stage u've mentioned abt. but mashaAllah i managed to pull through and learnt a very valuable lesson; never dwell on the past and beat urself up for the mistakes u've made, but learn from them and look ahead!
@control freak yeah we should be cautious about it. that's why i mentioned that i don't know how far that statement is correct.
wat if..i were a butterfly???
it wud be so cool!
rainbow coloured butterfly!
*drifts off to dreamland*
@shweetikle *lol* good luck with the thinking *tongue out*
what if you and I got together sometime for a cozy moment and think this over..:D maybe we might find an answer ;)
not sure abt the haraam thing but heres my understanding of it if in a religious point of view. everything happens as god wills. we face challenges in life all the time. its how we come out of it or how we face it that determines the value of it. or think of it this way.
nothing is gonna change what had happened in the past and we surely wont get back lost time. i think we can all agree to that. so why not take it as a lesson and use it in our future ordeals or obstacles. and always remember. its not how many times u fall or how many times ur pushed down. what counts is ur struggle to get back on ur feet or how long u can endure it all to get back up without giving up. and everything happens for the best and for a reason. even if it doesnt, no use thinking of a "what if" which we all know is never gonna happen. :)
@memyself what if i do go there and slaps you? *lol*
@kaiza i totally agree with u on this one. no point in what ifs, specially if they're regarding the past.
*what if you dream of a dream while you are dreaming?
*what if it is all in your head with a hidden sweet reality?
*what if it is you and only your actions that can make u sad?
*what if i didn't comment, what would u say?
@de irresistible hmm..i don't know about the others but all i knw is i wouldn't have to think of something to say if u didn't comment coz u did. *smile*
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